Wednesday, June 22, 2011


The past few days haven't been going too well, but I'm trying to stay as positive as possible. My headache/nausea was so  bad on Monday that I ended up not going to class. I stayed home and filled out more job applications instead. I'm so sick of them. I've decided that they just need to create one universal application. It would make things easier, so much easier.

Yesterday I was feeling a bit better but still anxious about going to work. It was kinda a slow day but I made it through - somehow?! Perseverance! 

I opted for a quiet night at home. I was wanting to do yoga/Pilates or go bike at the gym but my body was not into it at all. I ended up getting to bed a bit earlier - which is what my mind and body need - rest! I still don't feel completely rested though... hmph! 

One of the good things that happened yesterday was coming home to the sweet smell of what was cooking in the crock-pot. Let me tell you, it smelled and tasted amazing!

Slow-Cooker Pineapple Chicken
Based off of this recipe:

The Before - I ended up leaving out the cornstarch

The After

After I finish this post I am going to attempt some yoga/Pilates. My body has been craving it my muscles are so tight. Then it's the usual work and class! Fun, fun fun... Last day of InDesign and I really need to pay attention since it's the last class!

Now The LORD will accomplish what concerns me; Your lovingkindness, O LORD, is everlasting;
Do not forsake the works of Your hands.
- Psalm 138:8

1 comment:

  1. I totally feel you, I've been having a rough couple of weeks too.. just very stressed and trying to deal.

    On another note though, your dinner looks delicious!
