I am desperately needing this little break. I know it will go by fast and the days following my return will be hectic with graduation, the party, and spending time with out-of-town relatives.
I really wish I could take off work and class tonight. The driving straight to class (45 min) from work and then sitting in said class for 3 hours can be draining (only about 2 months left of it though). Ms. Deb wants me to come over after I get home to give me a hug before I leave and I need to drop off a book that I think she'd enjoy. Just don't know if I'll do that straight after class or stop home to eat first then go out again. I'm always so hungry when I finish class and she can be a talker, but it's always so tough to leave once I'm home (and still need to pack - not gonna happen this morning). I'll figure it out...
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